Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moving – I would rather have pins stuck in my eyes, please.

Editors note: due to an unforeseen delay in connecting Internet to our home...near future blog entries will be on a "post" delay...that is a couple days off.   See below to see why....

Day 6 in England (UK date 27) .  Jet lag starting to wear off.  Negotiating the roundabouts a tad better (more on that later).  Every time we turn on the correct motorway, I consider it a victory.  My standards have dropped significantly. 

However, what has been most maddening, is trying to get our phone, broadband and TV installed.  Let me just say this, we in the US, think our phone/cable/dish companies are just awful when it comes to customer service.  Guess what, dealing with them is like staying at the Ritz Carlton, compared to dealing with the like in the UK.  My English friends can attest to this and get quite tickled with the fact that we Americans assume that the customer is always right, no matter where in the world you are…HA I say to you!  And so my story begins…pull up a chair, pour yourself some coffee…this will take a while.

We have a couple of choices here in the UK, and after some deliberation, my husband choose Sky.  I state this is not to blame him, he was looking at the best option for what are family needs in these terms, but we have very limited options in the area we choose to live.  Again, my English friends are laughing hardily right now…they know what is coming.

We had our TV installation scheduled for Tuesday morning, from 8 to 1pm.  The installation engineer was right on time (good sign, right?).  He looked around the house to see where we would install the satellite.  Oh but wait a minute, he can’t install the dish, because we don’t have a phone line, put me on his mobile for his supervisor to confirm. “ Sorry!  Welcome to the UK”, he says as he packs up.  Got to call Sky and get this straighten out.  OK…dial…rings…long menu of items that are not at all related to what I am calling about…pick a number…just to get a person on the line.  I get “Andre”, who tells me “wrong department” (who would have guessed)…transfers me…oops, disconnected.  Try again…oops…turned my head, mobile drops call.  3rd time a charm right?  After about 4 people, I get to speak with Ian … (only about 1hr into the call…fun to know that your cell phone can show how long you are on a call). Yes, Ian had a rather charming Irish accent…though, creeping towards 2 hours on the phone, the charm starts to wear off.  He tells me “Unfortunately, because your postal code was entered into the system wrong, we have to close the account, refund the 6 months of fees and charges for the TV, phone and Broadband packages and start over.  That will put you back into the system, you will get a letter in the mail (in about 3-5 days), which will have a date on it, and 11-14 days from that date, someone will come out and install the dish, after that we can schedule the phone.”  WHAT?!?!?!?  Those of you, who know me well, know that this is not something I will take lightly.   I keep going to the top if I have to get what I need.  Well in the US that is…that works, most of the time.  In the UK…not so much.  No, they won’t let you talk to a manager or supervisor, because he/she can’t do anything.  “The “system” won’t allow any other way”.  I don’t think so Ian…this needs to get fixed NOW.  I explained to dear Ian, his company is in the possession of our money, with a significantly large order for a typical British household in their hands, which I would be happy to cancel altogether and let them know why.  Didn’t go quite as smooth as that, but I managed to get some headway. So what was my compensation, you ask?  Well got a new installation time for Saturday (today)…ok…I can live with that.  So, now we just have to wait for the phone/broadband installer to come out, that date will be in our new letter to be delivered.  I smile to myself... “I did OK for my first encounter with a British utility”.  Or so I thought.  Got my letter on Friday confirming my TV installation…oh and by the way, if we want our phone and broadband too, they can offer that too. HUH?!?!?!  They cancelled our phone & broadband!!!! OMG…you have got to be kidding me.  When I call Sky, once again the extensive menu comes up…I pick my number…I get told that the queue is only 4 mins and, as I wait on hold, I am told if I wanted quicker service…I could use the remote on the Sky TV box or better yet, go online.  Seriously.  I pour myself a glass of wine…I am going to be on the phone for a while…


  1. We want pics of your satellite dish once it is installed :-)

  2. Please keep writing, I enjoy reading your blog so much. :) -- momo
