Saturday, August 14, 2010

Still trying to make it over...

So we are visiting family as we make our way to the uk, spending time with my husband's family.  Lots of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandkids, grandparents...the works.  We celebrated the baptism of the newest member of the family.  It was interesting, the priest was kinda down on the morals of the world today and stressed that the family needed to really step up to fill the gap.  And I looked around at our young people in the family (25 and younger), and thought, you know this group are such great kids.  Lovely young ladies and handsome young men (inside and out) that my two completely admire and find to be amazing role models.  They are all hard working, kind, considerate, respectful, yet fun-loving with wonderful senses of humor...and my kids want to grow up and be just like them.  And you know what...I am proud to be related to this wonderful group of young people and think there is a lot of good sense in this world and it is closer than you think!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are leaving tomorrow and am I done packing?

Well folks, this is it.  Leaving tomorrow to start our adventure.  First, a couple of stops to visit family, then on to our new life in the UK.  Those of you who know me, know that I am wrapping up final details and stressing out that I will forget something really important.  Yes, these are the times where I have to watch myself, as I have full discussions with myself, not to let anyone in earshot think that "yes, she has finally lost it".  No, I haven't finally lost it...I just got a lot of should I put this politely...stuff to do!

This being my first post, it is going to be a little boring.  I need to vent, so this is my place to do it.  Hubby is away on business, so I get to finalize all with the house and our children.  My kids are saying there last good byes, so I need to be prepared for some "water works", especially by my daughter...the emotional one.  She takes after a long line of "emotional ones" in the family.  My son, the typical boy, will "take it like a man", but will still need some extra snuggling for sure.  Which I will be more than happy to provide.

Got to get back to the packing now.  Wish me luck!