Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are leaving tomorrow and am I done packing?

Well folks, this is it.  Leaving tomorrow to start our adventure.  First, a couple of stops to visit family, then on to our new life in the UK.  Those of you who know me, know that I am wrapping up final details and stressing out that I will forget something really important.  Yes, these are the times where I have to watch myself, as I have full discussions with myself, not to let anyone in earshot think that "yes, she has finally lost it".  No, I haven't finally lost it...I just got a lot of ...how should I put this politely...stuff to do!

This being my first post, it is going to be a little boring.  I need to vent, so this is my place to do it.  Hubby is away on business, so I get to finalize all with the house and our children.  My kids are saying there last good byes, so I need to be prepared for some "water works", especially by my daughter...the emotional one.  She takes after a long line of "emotional ones" in the family.  My son, the typical boy, will "take it like a man", but will still need some extra snuggling for sure.  Which I will be more than happy to provide.

Got to get back to the packing now.  Wish me luck!

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