Friday, August 20, 2010

Leaving tomorrow to England...finally

So tomorrow we leave for London to end up in Warshash.  Been spending time with both sides of the family.  Hasn't gone so smoothly.  I mean the kids and I got to see my hubby(their dad) for couple of days, which was very nice (we miss him lots!).  And seeing the in-laws was fun...they are a wonderful group...lots of laughs and joking and great conversations on a variety of subjects.  But travel wise...we are leaving a trail!  My son left part of his toy, my daughter left one of the DVDs, I left a diamond earring...all at my in-laws.  We are usually don't forget....I go through the place with a fine tooth-comb, wherever we stay.  But this time...not at the top of my game.  I never lose this much stuff?!?!?!?!?  I think the travel and the heat (over 100, plus humidity, yech) is getting to me.  Hoping, I can recover and do a thorough "pick up" job at my Mom's.  I should be an expert by now, having packed, repacked, repacked, repacked (yes, that many times!) 3 pieces of luggage, a couple of backpacks, a tote bag and my purse.  Love my family, but so ready to be home...