Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"So, what's it like?"

The is the most popular question I get asked by my friends and family in the US. Well, I hate to tell that our lives are pretty much the same. Kids go to school, have their various activities, hang out with their friends. My husband works...ALOT, but most of you know, that is nothing new. Me? Grocery shopping, laundry, chauferring the kids to their various social events (way more popular than me!), same old Mommy duties. Yeah, I drive on the other side of the road and have to park the car in ridiculously small parking spaces, and have to wait for the local Starbucks to open at 9am (not kidding), but all in all really similar to my life in the US. Though I have to say, there are some really cool things... I love tea time. To take time out in the afternoon to just sit have a cuppa and relax for a bit. Yeah, I like this little change to the routine...think I'll keep it